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Tools for Course Planning: Outcome Statements and Online Activities

As an instructional designer, I find that two of the things that faculty struggle with are developing sound outcome statements and developing interesting online activities that effectively assess those outcomes. I don’t mean to imply that faculty don’t know how to do these things but instead that often, especially with objectives, they are implied instead of explicitly stated. In the face-to-face classroom environment, an instructor can easily adjust objectives and assignments based on class reaction—unfortunately much of this flexibility disappears when teaching online. Online students need to know up front what the objectives are (at both the course and week/modular level) and see a clear connection between those objectives and the assignments/assessments.

Frequently, objectives are written in such a way that the outcome is measuring capabilities only at the lowest end of Bloom’s Taxonomy, e.g. “students will understand….” Not only are these objectives at the lower end of the cognitive-domain scale, but they are often not measurable—how do we know if a student “understands”?

To help faculty develop good objectives, I often refer them to a wonderful tool called the RadioJames Objective Builder. This tool allows you to choose what you want the students to do from a drop-down menu:


Once an area is chosen, a list of verbs and sample objectives appears along with an overview of that level:


This tool makes it so much easier to write good objectives. Once you have these good objectives, the next step is to design good assignments. At the recent EdMedia Conference, there was a presentation on a new tool developed by the LAMS Foundation in Australia. Like the Objective Builder, the LAMS tool, called the LAM Activity Planner, scaffolds and guides faculty—this time in the creation of learning activities. Using a predeveloped form, faculty can choose from activities that have already been created or add their own content. Activities are varied and include things like case studies, role plays, jigsaws, and WebQuests. To view a video and request an account to explore the planner for yourself, see the information on the LAM Activity Planner Wiki page.

Tools like these make the course-planning process easier for both faculty and instructional designers.

Evidence for Online Pedagogy—One More Tool!

It is particularly gratifying to read a headline like this one, which appeared in last week’s Chronicle of Higher Education: “Online-Education Study Reaffirms Value of Good Teaching, Experts Say.”

Gotta love it! "Good teaching" finally makes it into the online tool kit!

The ‘study’ is Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: a Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies–recently released by the U.S. Department of Education. The full report is available online.

I quickly downloaded, printed out, read, and marked up my own copy!

While the report found that students taking all or part of their class online performed better than those in a face-to-face class, the study suggests that it was not the medium for delivery itself that accounted for the difference but rather "it was the combination of elements in the treatment conditions (which was likely to have included additional learning time and materials as well as additional opportunities for collaboration) that produced the observed learning advantages" (p. XVII).

This report could serve as a discussion prompt for faculty interested in developing or teaching an online class. And it would also be useful to instructional designers who may want to review some of the specific learning practices reviewed in the report.

As always, the IDD Blog is interested in what you find to be of interest. Read the report yourself and let us know.

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Avoiding Intellectual Clutter: A Student’s Perspective

Students today have access to more information than ever before.   Beyond Google-fu and Wikipedia, new technologies allow anyone to research and order practically any publication with a few keystrokes.  College students have access to expansive libraries filled with volumes on the most obscure topics, and at larger universities like DePaul, students can access full-text articles in respected academic journals with a few simple searches.  The amount of information we students have access to before we ever reach a classroom or open up Blackboard can be overwhelming. It raises the question, given the wealth of information students have access to outside the classroom, what exactly is the role of the instructor?

It cannot simply be to impart information—all the information is out there and available for students.  Rather, I think part of the instructor role has to be to act as a filter—to cut through all the information out there and identify and present only that which is most important, most up to date, and most accessible for students who are just being introduced to a field or subfield of study.  The material then needs to be arranged into a coherent, unified form.

I think a lot of professors disregard this filtering function, and either put too much into their syllabi or overwhelm students with “optional resources” for topics they can’t cover within the course.

I know from experience how frustrating it can be when a student is confronted with an overwhelming number of sources.  I enjoy being subjected to academic rigor, but I’m put off by instructors handing me articles I “might be interested in” or optional resources, even when I’m really engaged by the subject-matter of the class.  First of all, I know of no student that has the time, at least during the school year, to go that far above and beyond the course requirements.  And more importantly, I think all these secondary resources can create intellectual clutter, distracting from the central principles the course is trying to communicate.

In short, as a student, I’m interested in what I need to know to meet the course goals. All the other stuff is a distraction, more often than not.

Working with Wikis

Wikis are a great tool for collaborative learning, but like any other tool, they need to be used properly. In my role as wiki administrator/Mister Fix-It at SNL Online, I’ve recently checked up on several course wikis that I’d initially created and turned over to faculty and was disappointed to see some that were underused and poorly structured. Here are a few tips to make your wiki (or, ahem, workspace as PB Works, née PB Wiki, now calls wikis) easier to use and a better learning environment for you and your students.

Have assignments that use the wiki. This would seem self-evident, but unless students have to go to the wiki to do course work that will be assessed, they won’t use it.

Make those assignments appropriate for a wiki.  A wiki is not a discussion board. A wiki is a great place to work collaboratively. It’s easy to work on a common document without having to exchange endless iterations of Word documents. It’s easy to post work and share it with others in a highly visual environment. You can post and share photos, audio, video, and a wide variety of multimedia widgets and Web tools–things that are clumsy or impossible to do in a discussion. You can set up private folders for each student, so he or she can post sensitive material like a personal journal that only you and the author can see. But if you want a space for students to discuss things, use the discussion feature in your learning management system.

Provide scaffolding for students. Give them low-stakes tasks to do at the start of the course, like creating a personal introduction page, adding a photo and text to it, and creating a link to it from the course-wiki home page. Again, it should be a required activity, not an optional exercise. Your students can then build on this experience.

Provide clear directions for students. Many adult students are intimidated by new technology, and a surprising number of younger students also struggle with unfamiliar applications. Both groups need to know exactly what you want from them and how to create it. At SNL Online we provide faculty and students with role-based wiki FAQs, print and interactive tutorials, and links to PB Works’ extensive library of video tutorials to help with the “how-to-do-it.”

Provide navigation. The wiki will be underused if it’s hard to use. You need some kind of navigation and site structure. It can be as simple as a list of links on the home page that direct to student pages; the important thing is to make sure that users can easily find what they need.

Provide a template or wiki structure. I’ve set up some wikis for faculty with the course foundation completed; students needed only to edit existing pages or add pages to an existing section or folder. Some of our faculty prefer to create this structure themselves. So far, both approaches have been more successful than leaving the design and creation of the wiki to chance.  

Monitor and maintain. Because any user with editing privileges can change any page you don’t lock down, things can (and usually do) frequently appear and disappear. To maintain a consistent, usable learning environment you’ll need to keep an eye on your wiki and make corrections, adjustments, and replacements. Every wiki I’m familiar with sends wiki administrators e-mail alerts when a page is edited; this makes it easy to keep up to date. You can usually set the frequency of these alerts or opt out of them altogether.

Keep ahead of your students. There’s certainly something to be said for you and your students learning as you go along, but with new technology, it’s far more preferable to be comfortable with it yourself before asking your students to use it. Familiarize yourself with the functions and features of your wiki, use all available resources to strengthen your own skill set, and you and your students will create a useful and rewarding collaborative-learning environment.

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You Get What You Pay For

My coworkers like to joke that an endorsement from me is the kiss of death to any Web 2.0 tool. It seems every time I turn around, some new tool I’ve recently tried is shutting down. Last year, I fell in love with Omnisio, a tool that allowed users to create compilations of YouTube video clips. Omnisio also had some basic editing features that let users trim out whatever they didn’t need from each clip, making it possible for instructors to assemble highly focused montages of useful video clips.  Within a few weeks of the time I’d discovered Omnisio, Google bought the company. The Omnisio site currently states that its staff is thrilled to be using their skills to improve YouTube, but so far, Omnisio’s features are nowhere to be found.

After my Omnisio heartbreak, I stumbled upon CircaVie, AOL’s tool for building time lines that could be enhanced with images and video. CircaVie always lacked a few key features that would have made it ideal for educators, but it was easy to use and worked with any AOL or AOL Instant Messenger account name. So I began recommending it to a few instructors and even included it in a few conference presentations. Sadly, the CircaVie site was shut down on January 15, 2009.

The list goes on. As of June 15, online video editing tool JumpCut will be no more. (This was particularly surprising, since JumpCut is owned by deep-pocketed Yahoo!) On June 12, I received an e-mail from Flowgram, a Web-based alternative to PowerPoint, announcing that they’d be closing up shop by the end of the month.

As I ran down the list in my mind, I realized that all of these tools had one thing in common: almost all of them had no source of revenue or depended entirely on ads to stay alive. I used to think free tools like these were a great way to work around the limitations of a bare-bones learning-management system. I also thought they could provide an interim solution while committees took months or years to approve a university-wide rollout of a new tool.

Now it’s clear to me that the best things in life aren’t always free. While we still need quick solutions for small-scale pilot projects, it’s important to recognize that you often get what you pay for when it comes to educational technology. And by that, I don’t mean the expensive tool is always the best. I simply mean when you pay for something (even if it’s just a few dollars), you usually get something in return (like a more reliable service that doesn’t shut down overnight).

While it’s sad to see innovation squelched by the almighty dollar, the current recession has done us all a favor in a way. By killing off weaker startups, there’s room for the best to thrive. For example, VoiceThread offers a great service that makes it easy to build presentations with voice comments, and the thinning of this field should make it easier for VoiceThread to grow its base of paying subscribers. And more paying customers means more money to invest in a reliable, useful product. If you’re a business owner who accepts card payments, you know how important it is to get the cheapest card payment machine for your business.

Similarly, more people should warm up to Evoca, one of the few audio-sharing sites that offers in-browser recording and embeddable audio players. I was a bit disappointed to discover a while back that Evoca stopped offering permanent, free accounts. (They now only offer free thirty-day trials.) But I completely understand why this change was needed. Bandwidth isn’t free, and Evoca now charges a reasonable $2.95 for their basic account, which offers enough storage to meet most instructors’ needs.

So the next time you’re looking for a quick fix to an educational-technology dilemma, ask yourself if there’s a tool available that you can actually pay for. Even if there are free alternatives, it might be worth suffering through a bit of paperwork and shelling out a few dollars a month for something that won’t be here today and gone tomorrow.

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VoiceThread or Camtasia: When to Use Which

VoiceThread and Camtasia are two of the many tools that we are introducing to faculty for online teaching.   For those of you who don’t know about these tools, here is a quick intro.

VoiceThread is a tool that allows you to share images, audio, and presentations online and collect comments in the form of text and audio.  See the demo below, which was created within Voicethread:

Camtasia is a tool that lets you record actions on your computer screen to create presentations or training videos.  With Camtasia, you can produce a tutorial, a quick Web-based demo, or a narrated PowerPoint presentation.   

For our DePaul Online Teaching Series (DOTS) program, I was assigned to teach Camtasia, because I have been using this tool to delivery online instruction for my Chinese class.  Although I have been using Camtasia for a couple of year and am comfortable using it, I found myself struggling to find a good reason to teach faculty yet another tool after they had already been introduced to VoiceThread, a very powerful and easy-to-use application for both information sharing and collecting.

If we look at the whole functionalities of the two applications, we are really comparing apples with oranges.  But from the perspective of presenting information from PowerPoint, either can be used; the only difference is the production procedure and the presentation output. 

The following table is a result of my pondering about when to use which when it comes to selecting VoiceThread or Camtasia for online presentation from PowerPoint.


PowerPoint File





  • Allows  faculty/student comments
  • Allows student presentations
  • Enables online interaction
  • Launches with one click in PPT
  • Records onscreen motion and narrations
  • Results in smaller file size
  • Has multiple output formats (Web, iPod, MP3 player…)

“Additional” Step(s)

  • Requires VoiceThread account
  • Limited usage without paid account
  • Must set up viewing options (the easiest one opens to all public) or run an encryption procedure to hide the URL
  • Requires purchasing the application
  • Must run the file-packaging  process  to upload to Blackboard


As interaction is becoming such a key for online learning, I thought all faculty would all opt for VoiceThread.  To my surprise, several faculty told me after the workshop that they would go with Camtasia, especially those who were thinking about teaching a hybrid course.  To these faculty, it is more important to find a nice way to present their information to the students than to get input from them, which can take place at the face-to-face session.   Also, for those who are comfortable using PowerPoint,  this one-click process seems to be less demanding than learning a whole new online tool.    

As someone who is charged with assisting faculty in selecting the right tool and methods for teaching online, I need to again apply the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Faculty Support  and give priority to faculty’s feeling of “safety” and “comfort”.  So my advice then is this: pick one that you are comfortable with to begin with (even if it means a one-way stream of information sharing), and then maybe for the second or third round, try a more interactive and exciting environment like VoiceThread.

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Tools for Staying Current in your Field

Need an easy way to stay current in your field?  Table-of-contents services are a great way to get the tables of contents of your favorite scholarly journals delivered to you via e-mail or RSS reader.  A couple that you might want to explore include:

ticTOCS (Journal Table of Contents Service)  – TicTOCS is a free resource that allows anyone to keep up to date with newly published scholarly material.  The site is simple to use:  just register for a free account where all of the tables of contents you choose will be permanently saved.  Then, search for the titles of your favorite journals.  You can then add them to your list and export them in a format that is easily imported into Google Reader.  The site currently only has about a thousand titles, so your favorites may not be there.

Library databases (if you are not affiliated with DePaul check with your local reference librarian) – Many of the DePaul library databases allow you to create free accounts.  Once you have an account, you can set up issue alerts as well as have saved searches rerun each time the database is updated.  These alerts, depending on the service, can be made available via e-mail or RSS feed.  Some of the better ones to try are Science Direct and Ebsco.

Publisher Web sites – Most publishers allow individuals to subscribe to tables of contents without a subscription fee. If you don’t find the journal you are looking for in one of the above, check out the publisher’s Web site to see if you can get it that way.

These are just a couple of options available to you.  Ask a librarian (or if you are not affiliated with DePaul, check with your library’s reference staff) if you need help setting up an alert or finding a particular journal.

Webtopia—Democratizing the Internet

Writers and urban planners for years have mapped and envisioned the ideal society through designing utopian metropolises. This is my own interpretation and glimpse into a version of a “webtopia,” a re-imagining meant as a prompt for discussing democracy and citizenship on the Web.


We might begin to think of the Internet as a public infrastructure or a spatial experience akin to walking a city’s streets. We navigate through the vague surrealism of unexplained flashing images and flash graphics; however, without the same binding of civic infrastructure and citizenship, without our ties to the streets, we comparatively navigate a corporate labyrinth—an endless mall. It is a spectacle of passive engagement, wherein we consume information, commodities, and products while hardly holding a stake in its architecture. As Google strives to unleash infinite knowledge at our fingertips and YouTube and other Web services promote do-it-yourself content creation, our productive capabilities are exploited. We might question if the intellectual value of a Web-user really drives these companies or whether they instead mean to attract our passive gaze into the corporate consumer spectacle, only interested in the activity of our wallets. These applications and services are by no means free; we pay by submitting ourselves to billions of dollars in advertising spent to follow and manipulate our habits. Furthermore, the content we generate through “free” e-mail, social networking, Web applications, etc. is scanned, exploited, and sold as marketing analytic research. Is our content, then, really our own?

Can we begin to maybe imagine a Web experience prefaced upon citizenship before consumerism? If we ever intend to renegotiate the intellectual foundation and potential of the Web, one option might be its decommercialization. The free-use Internet of the public is hinged and supported by advertising dollars. A new public space could be founded via one of two avenues: a not-for-profit Wikipedia approach or socialization, an Internet owned, financed, and governed by the people. Personal injury lawyer seo services can enhance your firm’s online presence and attract more clients. If you want to boost the security and privacy of your wifi network, you may use premium residential proxies.

The illustration above is a vision of a new interface, a “citizen portal” akin to Google’s centralized “iGoogle”. These would be the new public-domain passages and highways of the Web, owned and operated by the people and designed to encourage and praise democratic participation. Currently, the Internet, as a public space, and its Web-architecture are owned and regulated by only a handful of corperations—Google, Microsoft, Yahoo (much like the big three in television broadcasting). Google’s own page layout and interface (its line weights, color schemes, etc.) are designed to optimize its advertising revenue.  A noncommercial, government-sponsored  provider seems worthy of experiment—a PBS alternative to the Internet.

Now imagine how e-learning might be better respected if its platform, the Internet, became a nexus of civic pride. I’m twenty years old, and my peers and I remain skeptical of online learning because of its highly commercial platform—the Web. Education seems diluted into a material good for consumption, rather than active engagement, when a Web-forum discussion on Plato is a click away from penis-enlargement pills. Furthermore, e-learning presents the prospect of increased hours spent online by youth, a goldmine for commerce and advertising, as students can be easily distracted from any academic essay to Walmart.com within seconds.

When re-imagining the Internet, we must seriously consider and reflect upon how we navigate physical space, how we embed our values into the infrastructure and organization of our cities. Knowledge and education are often perceived as pillars of democracy not as IPOs or aisles in the mall. But perhaps the disorderly nature of the Web allows for the unexpected positioning of otherwise segregated forms of information. A platform coupling Penis enlargement and Plato might liberate higher education from its pedestal—its perceived irrelevancy trapped behind the gates of academia.

Online Workers—Online Health

Oh the irony!  Using the Internet to counteract computer-related health issues!  Well, the reality is that for those of us constantly on the keyboard—faculty, students, and all other modern-day workers—discomfort in the hands, wrists, and arms is common.  Eventually, discomfort can lead to more serious health issues, such as tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other repetitive strain injuries (RSI). 

Check out this YouTube vodcast. Created by percussionist David Kuckhermann, it shows several very simple stretching exercises that can ease the discomfort and, hopefully, stave off those more serious conditions.

Once you learn the exercises, listen to some of the drumming videos on his frame-drums Web site!  Awesome world music! 

More information:  The Better Health Channel provides this article about computer-related injuries, which discusses the range of problems arising from too much time at the keyboard.