Instructors who teach in online environments often devote extensive time and energy into designing a Web space that is inviting and useful to students. But frustration inevitably ensues when, despite the careful consideration given to the most logical placement of a discussion forum and the “clearest” instructions provided to students on how to post to the forum, the instructor still receives e-mail from students asking, “So, where is this discussion forum? And what am I supposed to do?” Why has this gap in communication occurred?
One reason for this may be the typically linear design of course sites. Often, learning-management systems adopted by universities have default settings that establish some of the design considerations for the instructors—i.e., the location and style of course navigation. These linear designs generally have the best intentions, since they try to organize information so that students can navigate course material easily, following step-by-step instructions and information.
However, with recent developments in eye-tracking software showing how users really view content on the Web, we can see why this linear design isn’t quite ideal. This video shows a user’s eye movements when scanning IKEA’s Web site, and several other examples available online confirm this rapid pattern of eye movement that jumps all over the page. It’s no wonder, then, that students miss the carefully placed, bolded, and highlighted instructions for turning in an assignment that you were sure everyone would see and follow—considering how the brain ingests and computes information from the screen, it’s easy to see how a linear design style for course materials might not match the ways in which users view the content.
So, what is the solution? Unfortunately, there isn’t a Band-Aid design scheme that addresses this issue, and because instructors are often working within an institutionally mandated learning-management system, course design happens within set boundaries. One important step is usability testing, which can reveal issues that designers can’t see once they are invested in their design decisions. This may seem like an onerous and time-consuming task, but it doesn’t need to be—usability guru Jakob Nielsen recommends five users for testing, but as this data shows, even finding two or three people to look at your course and perform key tasks can give you helpful information to improve your course design.
Another important step is realizing that, just as in face-to-face classrooms, your goal (for students to follow instructions) needs to clearly align with your assessments:
- Include instructions in a logical location, as determined by your course design.
- Ensure that students have seen these instructions. One effective method is to give students a graded quiz at the beginning of the term that asks them to locate important information throughout the online course.
- Show students that following instructions is important by grading them on it. Depending on your class, you might make part of an assignment’s grade based on following the assignment’s instructions, or you could refuse to accept an assignment until the student has followed the directions.
Again, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for designing courses that adhere to the ways users view information on the screen. This also isn’t a “lost cause” for instructors—just because users naturally view Web content in a nonlinear way doesn’t mean that the design of online course materials needs to be completely overhauled. Thoughtful design can help students, but supporting your design with clear expectations and assessments can also help students navigate your course more effectively.
Sarah has worked in the College of Education and with FITS since 2010. She also teaches in the Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse department. She earned her undergraduate degrees in Secondary English Education and Writing at the University of Findlay in Ohio, and after teaching at Miami Valley Career Technology Center in Dayton, Ohio for two years, she moved to Chicago to earn her MA in Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse at DePaul.
When she’s not teaching or testing out a new technology, Sarah runs, crochets, and cooks.
Hello Sarah,
As a substitute teacher, one of the things I can’t help but notice (Since now I am sitting on the other side of the teacher’s desk) is how most of the students in the class don’t seem to care about doing their school work but a small minority does. It’s not a very encouraging sign. Even if you told the uncaring kids that not investing in their education now will result in a future as a checkout clerk at Wal-Mart, they won’t believe you.
I believe a lot of it rests with the parents. If the parents spend most of their time spending money at Wal-Mart (All those great, everyday-low-prices!) and not saving for the “rainy day,” why should their kids care? Perhaps a solution is a “good, better, best” one.
We tend to make buying decisions based on how much money we have. If we have a lot, and we’re not cheapskates, we will buy what is best and so on. The same could be done with school students. Public education seems to lump all the kids, gifted, good and mediocre into a single group and then leave it up to the teacher to sort it out. This isn’t good. What is needed are classes that can work with a particular group and not have to worry about poorer students falling behind or better students perturbed with feeling “stuck.” Obviously, there will probably be a stigma associated with students who are in “the slow group,” but it’s better than not learning at all. One size does not fit all.
I find that the use of technology in education will not make a poor student better. This is advocated by those who will make a fortune in selling the goods that make elearning possible. What does is time, patience, an understanding and caring teacher and a student willing to learn. Technology in and of itself is not education. It’s just a vehicle to help with the educational process.
Joseph W. Humes